- Date
- Time
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
- Location
JAPAN HOUSE Salon, Level 5
- Fee
Consul General Akira Muto and Keio University Professor Toshihiro Nakayama will speak on Japan's foreign policy and Japan-U.S. relations at JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles on November 15, 2019. Consul General Muto will speak on "Japan's Foreign Policy with a Focus on Free and Open Indo-Pacific" while Prof. Nakayama is coming from Japan to discuss "The New Dynamics: Japan-U.S. Relations from a Japanese Perspective.“
Program Details
6:30 PM | Doors open/Refreshments
7:00 PM | Program with Q&A
8:30 PM | Reception
Reserve your seat(s) by emailing japanconsulatela@ls.mofa.go.jp.
Please include name, title and affiliation (company/school/other) of each person attending.
Full parking validation will be provided.
Speaker Profiles

Consul General Akira Muto
Consul General Akira Muto graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1985. Having served at the Embassies of Japan in Washington DC and Moscow, he held directorships for Free Trade Agreement & Economic Partnership, Intelligence & Analysis, Russian Affairs, and Foreign Policy Coordination between 2004 and 2012; and in 2012, he became Consul General of Japan in Boston. He served as Deputy Director General, European Affairs Bureau (Ambassador, 2014-15); and served in the National Security Secretariat (2015-16).
He was Minister, Embassy of Japan in the U.S. (Global Affiliate Visiting Scholar, Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University) (2018-19). He became Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles in 2019.

Dr. Toshihiro Nakayama
Dr. Toshihiro Nakayama is Professor of American Politics and Foreign Policy at the Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University, and an Adjunct Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs. He was a Special Correspondent for the Washington Post at the Far Eastern Bureau (1993-94), Special Assistant at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations in New York (1996-98), Senior Research Fellow at The Japan Institute of International Affairs (2004-06), Assoc. Professor at Tsuda College (2006-10), and Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University (2010-14).
He was also a CNAPS Visiting Fellow at Brookings Institution (2005-06), Sir Howard Kippenberger Chair Visiting Professor at the Center for Strategic Studies, Victoria University in Wellington (2017) and Japan Scholar at Woodrow Wilson Center (2018-19). He received his M.A. (1993) & Ph.D. (2001) from Aoyama Gakuin University. He has written two books and numerous articles on American politics, foreign policy and international relations. He appears regularly on Japanese media. Recipient of Nakasone Yasuhiro Award (Incentive Award) in 2014.